In what is arguably the most talent-laden race meet in the country and the most prestigious place on...
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Good luck with that!
In a tone deaf salvo on the ongoing debate over Lasix, the National Horsemen&rs...
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To use Lasix as a preventative on every single horse is just insane.
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From the Paulick Report:
Do you remember the 2012 The New York Times (NYT) exposé on horse ra...
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Quarter Horse racing’s appetite for drugs makes its Thoroughbred cousins look absolutely prudi...
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Bewildered. Befuddled. Baffled. Bemused.
Yep. All those words cover the reaction to the news of the ...
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Of the approximate 4% of racehorses in the U.S. that race without the diuretic furosemide (Lasix), a...
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From the Paulick Report:
I believe that for many horsemen, administering performance-enhancing...
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In February I wrote a piece called, “Winning Without Lasix In 2018: McPeek, Rivelli Top All U....
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After reading this column you will likely hold a strong feeling on this matter.
Will you be disappoi...
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